Anti Social Behavior

We believe everyone has the right to enjoy living in their home provided they do not disturb those living nearby. We are committed to tackling issues relating to anti-social behaviour, harassment and neighbour nuisance. We expect good neighbours to be tolerant of one another and understand how their lifestyle can affect those living nearby

Anti-social behaviour can include a wide range of unacceptable behaviours including; noise nuisance, such as loud music, dogs barking and shouting; to more serious acts, such as the use of threatening behaviour, domestic violence or hate crimes.

We take all incidents of ASB seriously and will work quickly to resolve any problems. We understand how ASB can affect people in different ways and residents can talk to their housing officer or the Community Warden about any concerns they may have.

You can report anti-social behaviour:

  • By calling us on 020 3771 0151

  • By reporting it in person at your local housing office, located at the Myatts Field North Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, London, SW9 6FZ.

  • By reporting it by email to By reporting it online using our web form

  • Anonymously using this form and posting into the community centre letterbox


Community Wardens

Between 5-10pm you can call the Warden Service on 07951 544 821. However, please note that any emergency should be addressed to the police '999' at first instance.