Complaints Procedure

Regenter Myatts Field North Ltd from May 2012 is responsible for the management, maintenance and refurbishment of Myatts Field North estate.  We work in close partnership with the London Borough of Lambeth in the development of services both to Myatts Field North and the neighbouring community.     

We aim to provide excellent services that meet our customers’ needs.  However, we know that sometimes things can go wrong and you may wish to raise your concerns in the form of a complaint. 

If you want to make a complaint 

We want to make it as straight forward as possible for customers to register a complaint.  We will acknowledge and action complaints by all methods including:  

  • By telephone: 0203 771 0151 

  • By email:                                                                                                                                      

  • In person: Myatts Centre: 24 Crawshay Road SW9 6FZ  

  • By letter: Myatts Centre: 24 Crawshay Road SW9 6FZ  

 If you make a complaint and we are at fault, we will: 

  • Provide an apology; 

  • Tell you why things went wrong; 

  • Learn from our mistakes and make sure that the same thing does not happen again. 

Our complaints procedure has three stages as outlined below:  

Stage 1 

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days. 

Once we have received your complaint, the relevant Manager from one of the four partners representing the Regenter service (Eon, Higgins, Pinnacle or Rydon), will investigate and send you a response within 10 working days.  Sometimes it may take longer to provide a response. If this is the case, we will tell you the reason why and extend the response by a further 5 working days.

Stage 2  

If you remain unhappy with the outcome of the complaint you can ask for a stage two review.  To do this, you should write to the Contract Manager for Pinnacle Myatts Field North to the above address.   

Similarly, to Stage 1 you will receive an acknowledgement within two working days and a response within 10 working days.  

Independent Housing Ombudsman (IHO)

To complain to the Independent Housing Ombudsman, you must have completed the council’s complaints process, and either be referred by any MP in England or a Lambeth councillor or wait eight weeks from the date of receiving their final response to approach them directly yourself.

Contact details for the Independent Housing Ombudsman are:

Housing Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9GE

Telephone: 0300 111 3000