Get Involved

Get involved in the Myatts Field North community.

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Communication is an important part of our relationship with residents. It allows us to hear your views about the services that we provide. We can then use those views in the decision making process.

There are many ways that residents can get involved to influence the decisions which affect the services they receive.


Estate Walkabouts

Estate walkabouts – also known as estate inspections – involve walking around the estate and identifying issues that might need to be tackled.  This includes a wide range of issues such as repairs to grounds and communal areas, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, graffiti, litter, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles, overgrown or neglected communal areas etc.

 Estate walkabouts are an essential way of finding out what  you, our residents,  think of the service, and what we can do to improve communities.  They also give residents the chance to talk to our staff and discuss issues about your estate or anything else to do with your home or tenancy. Our staff are also available to discuss any ideas and suggestions you may have for working together to help improve the area.

Would you like to join us on an Estate walk about?

You can let us know in advance if you are coming or, you can just turn up at the meeting place, or pop out as you see us walk by.  All walkabouts last about 1 - 1½ hours.

Resident Panel and Project Liaison Group

The Resident Panel and Project Liaison Group has been set up to enable residents to monitor the PFI contract and to champion local issues and concerns. 

If you would like more information please contact MFN Customer Service at

The Happenings

The Happenings are a community development board for the Myatts Field North estate.  It hosts a number of events and initiatives for the community. 

If you would like more information please contact or the local housing office.

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