
Homeowners Handbook

The handbook provides an overview of both your rights and responsibilities as a leaseholder and ours as a managing agent on behalf of Lambeth Council. We have designed the handbook to give you general information. However, not all leases are the same and it is the terms of your lease that determines your rights and obligations as well as ours. If you are in any doubt about the terms of your lease, you should contact the housing office who will be able to help you, or will let you know who can; you may also want to seek independent legal advice from a solicitor or law centre. 

If you would like more information about your home or our services, contact us and we will be happy to help.


Homeowners Handbook

What is a service charge?


Being a Myatts Field North homeowner requires you to a pay service charge for the upkeep and cleaning of your block and estate.

Your service charge is calculated by adding up all the estate and block costs over the year, and dividing it up using your rateable value. The rateable value is calculated by taking the size of your property and which services are carried out in your block into consideration.

Each year we set the service charges for all of our home owners based on carefully calculated estimates of what the costs will be. At the end of the year the costs are checked and we send out a statement of the actual accounts to all home owners. As the service charges are estimated at the start of the year, this can sometimes mean that home owners have been over or under charged.


How to pay your service charges?

Your service charge payments are due a year after the estimates are served, when you will then be charged the next years estimates. There are different ways you can pay your service charge.

By standing order

You can pay your service charge by standing order through your bank. You can get a standing order form by contacting the Housing Office on the free phone numbers.

If you have online or telephone banking, or your bank has provided a blank standing order form, you can set up a standing order using the following details:

Bank: Barclays
Account name: Pinnacle Housing LTD Client A/C Myatts Field North
Branch Sort Code: 20-00-00
Account No: 53250474

You must quote your nine-digit service charge account number as a reference to ensure your payment is credited to your account.

By cheque

Cheques should be made payable to Pinnacle Housing LTD Client A/C Myatts Field North.

Do not send cheques made payable to Lambeth Living Limited.

Please write your address and nine-digit service charge account number on the back of the cheque so we can easily identify the payment and make sure it reaches your account.

You should send your cheque to: Myatts Field North Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, London, SW9 6FZ

Looking after your home

As homeowners you are responsible for maintaining the inside of your flat. This includes:

  • the floor surfaces, including floorboards

  • the ceiling plaster or plasterboard

  • the plaster or plasterboard of the walls

  • glass in windows, but not the window frames

  • all doors and door frames inside the flat and the front door to it

  • pipes, wires and cables that serve your flat only, including any protection surrounding them

  • decorations inside your flat

  • all fixtures and fittings including plumbing and sanitary apparatus, such as sinks, baths and toilets

  • electrical and gas appliances.

You are also responsible for:

  • Annual safety checks of gas appliances

  • Dealing with any instances of asbestos in your home.

Please contact the Myatt’s Field Housing office if you have any questions or would like more information. 

Please see the More Information panel on the right of this page to download our Homeowners Handbook.