Lift Doors: Always Be Closing 

The lifts at one of the buildings on Bramah Road were recently taken out of action due to damage sustained while the doors were forced to remain open. 

This isn’t a good idea as it risks damage to the mechanism that closes and opens the door, putting the lift out of service and requiring specialist lift engineers to get it back up and running. In newer elevators, holding the doors open will cause the elevator to time out and shut down as a safety feature. In that situation, a mechanic must reset the controller to restart the elevator. 


  • Step carefully into and out of the lift 

  • Stand away from the lift doors 

  • Report vandalism, repairs, or breakdowns to us as soon as possible 


  • Overload the lifts. Not usually a risk, but do consider this on moving day 

  • Use the lift in the event of a fire 

  • Force or hold lift doors open, as this can cause damage to the door mechanism 

  • Put your hand/arm out to keep the doors open as this can result in personal injury 

  • Lean against the lift doors 

  • Use excessive force on the button panel 

  • Jump up and down in the lift 

  • Leave litter or items in the lift 

  • Overcrowd the lift 


Knitting with Annette 


New Housing Officer: Daniela Avila