Road Sign Round Up 

First to Fairbairn Green and the disappointing tale of the missing parking signs. Installed on 22nd March, the signs, including the one visible in the below picture, have been pinched. 

Despite a long and undignified search by your newsletter author, the signs have not been found and will need to be remade and reinstalled. 

The signs are there to explain the Controlled Parking Zone locally and are common where there are restrictions placed on on-street parking. CPZs are there to protect the parking needs of residents, businesses and their visitors; they’re also useful in preventing all-day commuter parking, reducing the number of abandoned vehicles, all while improving safety and access for emergency vehicles. 

The area is covered by the extensive local CCTV network and investigations into the theft are ongoing. 

On a more positive note, we’re pleased to report that, following a report submitted to us by a resident regarding an accident and a number of near misses, the Give Way road markings on Bramah Road, Fountain Place, Henry Road, Eleanor Road and Dundas Roads have been repainted by Lambeth’s Street Management Team. 

Speed limit roundels reminding road users of the 20mph limit throughout the estate have also been requested. Well done to Alex for bringing about these changes and improving road safety for all of us here, and thanks to Lambeth Council for carrying out the works. 


Graffiti Defeated


Estate Inspections